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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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deal with.
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it is a pleasure to have you with us here today. with your news from around the world. cyprus has managed to reach a last minute deal would. be crucial to preventing the country from falling into bankruptcy and the rescue package however comes at a steep price. one hundred thousand euros in the country's two largest banks will be raided they're looking at about thirty percent in taxes that's going to. talk about this now the deal has been reached. out of the.
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so one of the. more than one hundred. uninsured. would be taking. those. savings or those with. money in the bank so they will take taking a big. loss. protesting here.
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because some of the toxic assets also let's remember that there are still capital controls in place which. move around this is really creating a credit crunch a cash crunch everybody trying to hold on to. one hundred euros. right now and also. a lot of details still coming in. and one. point two billion euros. and that's what i wanted five point eight billion euros so
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they may still impose raises on taxes on the citizens in order to make up for that difference is that they still lack. still at least a billion sure the possibility of raising taxes on this is people's savings accounts are getting pilfered now the banks are saying to people you can only pull out a certain small amount for your banks every day so the people are really in a tough position and all the while i hear the cypriot president saying that people will be pleased with the news that well although they do you think they're buying it. well first of all they have to go through that very technical explanation that i had just given to you and frank reaction here is definitely not. frustrated still very disappointed let's not forget that as the. feeling of the people here is that a red line has been crossed remember the suggestion that they will be dipping into savings even those small deposit holders this is a very bad message to people. whatever the government or did.
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i have cash will i have a job will i have savings and these questions for them are not answered by. their government has agreed with. all right. thank you very much. perspective on this right now i'm joined here in the studio by. crossing good to have you coming in let's talk about this is cyprus it only took nearly a year for them to get the bear out there are asking for yet from what i understand it was still a bit of a short. euro zone mismanagement i think. it took nine months for them to put together a bailout package nine months after the super. rich they struck a deal at five o'clock in the morning a deal that has markets up and down the euro's been up and down on the dollar this morning. despite all of that the deal that they do strike comes in at seven billion less than what the cypriots were asking for in the first place there we go so what
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happens next well. the country's second largest bank it's the economy. a couple thousand people are going to lose their jobs here. and since the since the first. flight from cyprus hasn't. frankfurter allgemeine zeitung is reporting this is despite the euro group putting a freeze let's not underestimate this they froze the entire retail banking sector of the country for a week. given to fingers by local law makers i mean at the same time i were hearing this phrase or that of a casino capitalism being thrown about what do you make of that yeah yeah well let's get back to from moscow perspective very quickly the prime minister dmitry medvedev said this morning that he felt that the europeans were stealing what has already been stolen i think that's a reference to cyprus is off shore status the casino capitalism line is a line that french foreign minister for example trotted out this morning i think
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it's a line they're using to justify what it is what it is that they're doing and let's not forget that this is not the kind of term they were using when they integrated cyprus into the euro zone in two thousand and three when you talk about integrating cyprus into the euro zone let's discuss the broader picture of the eurozone do you think what about other members should they be looking at what's happening in cyprus and should they be worried well. yes and no and i'll tell you what who won't be worried switzerland latvia and andorra financial times is reporting that they have their representatives from solicitors companies from those countries very happy to offer a haven to the cash that is on deposit in cyprus now let's and let's not get things out of perspective here. russian cash is notoriously associated with cyprus but that by no means accounts for the other seventy percent of money that's sitting sitting on that island right now there's a sort of jumping off but there was also some of the same this was a bit of a bit of a kick in the face it to russia here because there's so much russian money in
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cyprus buying is the e.u. technocrat suddenly realise hold on a sec we can we can help with the cyprus bailout by going after the russians are you buying this so much absolutely yeah i think there's a good point you made there the. if you take the irish case for example when banks went bad the troika was very happy to foist on a generation of ours taxpayers whereas here they seem very very happy for finally depositors to take the cost. in my opinion there's incompetency there's double standards and there's political responsibility pretty much everywhere well so it's a good way of summing it up but also i mean the risk pool with credibility yes i mean my opinion brussels is cast it's jack russells as cash is check and also many already called me is the biggest bout of financial fraud in broad daylight one guy did an article in a british newspaper the other day saying well the people in england or the u.k. rather not being too stressed because the government takes small slices away from their savings and putting on austerity but here in cyprus it's been what many are
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calling a massive smash and grab the news out of i'm out of time thank you so much if you are. ten minutes past the hour moscow time thanks for being with us here on r.t. today the mystery behind the death of boris berezovsky could become clearer within hours following an autopsy and the body of the self exile tycoon and kremlin opponent was found in his bath at the weekend and they have been suggestions a billionaire may have took his own life but police say he left no suicide behind authorities have also ruled out any third party involvement r.t. correspondent sara for the house as a whole. he made his food chain after the breakup of the soviet union a hugely controversial character now we've heard in an interview that with a party given by mr brzezinski his latest friday the day before he died in a conversation with a journalist he talks of his longing to return home to russia we've also heard from
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the russian president's press attash a he said that two months ago a the president received a letter from verizon scale we can take a listen now to what that said. true. some time ago maybe some two months ago but it's a letter to putin himself saying that he admits that he made a lot of mistakes. too forgiving fleece mistakes and. this letter did exist personally the picture i think being built up of mr berger ski in his final years quite aside quite a lonely picture he was a larger than life characters that seem somewhat reduced in recent years now he's had a number of high profile court cases here in the case the most recent of which is with fellow oligarch roman abramovich and people have described not just the psychological impact of losing that court case which prefer quite humiliation for
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mr furze or ski but of also the financial impact is well as he said the picture coming out of him and he certainly had seem to express in his final days a longing to return home and of course that hasn't happened and he is now the subject of the own going investigation here into his. artists are now birds of school fell out of favor with the kremlin when he saw exile in the u.k. a columnist mary just gave from the independent newspaper believes some foreign officials in london good actually now see the tycoons passing as possibly a chance to improve russia or u.k. relations i don't think he particularly was a serious threat to the kremlin. i think that his ups fancied himself as a threat and maybe he wanted to be more of a threat than actually he was. but the position that he held through the second half of the ninety's in russia obviously made him like the figure of that period
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the figure of berezovsky his position when he died this weekend and the contrast between that and his position of power and huge influence in the late ninety's illustrates in some ways how russia has changed and how much russia has changed in those five ten years i think elsewhere behind the scenes in places like foreign office in the corridors of government they'll be you know i won't say they'll be doing something as improper as sort of dancing in the aisles but berezovsky was a very awkward figure he was a big obstacle to diplomacy with russia and i think his death will be seen as i hope anyway as maybe removing an obstacle to better relations with russia. still to come for you here we're seeing no evil. like the u.s. . turning a blind eye to the developing hunger strike crisis at guantanamo bay prison.
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president and key u.s. ally. returns home with. those details just around the corner for you. technology innovation all the developments from around russia.
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russia and china must be a part of a u.n. investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons and. this all according to a senior russian diplomat rebels have stepped up their accusations against forces loyal to president assad the details now it's a bit confusing let's clear it up correspondent. the syrian opposition says that
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forces loyal to the syrian president bashar assad fired what they are claiming a chemical weapons at rebels surrounding an army base in the town of address on the outskirts of the syrian capital of damascus now the reports we have all that to rebel fighters who were killed and some twenty two people were wounded it comes in light of accusations last week in which both sides accuse the other of using chemical weapons in any mysterious explosion near the city of aleppo which killed some twenty six people and wounded dozens of that incident was swiftly labeled by western intelligence agencies as a chemical incident perpetrated by forces loyal to the syrian president assad the syrian regime osce the united nations to launch an investigation the russian ministry has said that if there are reasons to believe that chemical weapons in fact were used an international group comprising of permanent united nations security council members has to be saying to syria the american president barack
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obama he has constantly in the process put the issue of chemical weaponry on the table saying that a red line needs to be do go on and when he was here in the region recently he was quick to make harsh statements towards the syrian president over allegedly uses of chemical weapons once we establish the facts i have made clear that the use of chemical weapons is a game changer i am deeply skeptical. any claim that in fact it was the opposition that used chemical weapons we now have information to the contrary regarding the incident last week. israel's leading daily newspaper ha'aretz whites that it was definitely not a chemical attack carried out by the syrian president assad what we're seeing more is that the syrian opposition is deeply divided the leader of the opposition was hot tips resignation comes just months after his election now his decision to leave is being seen as a blow to the diminishing moderate wing of the uprising against the syrian
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president bashar assad there have in the past been an alarming number of resignations within the coalition itself by top opposition figures what we see more and more is that the rebels are able to organize themselves and i'm able to consolidate the military and political bodies and increasingly it's clear that this no direct link between the fighters on the ground in the coalition that is the involved of boards the concern now is that more radical islamist groups might fill this void that is being lifted by the resignations of the leadership and at the same time it looks increasingly like no one is particularly interested in sitting down and having dialogue with the syrian president bashar assad also the u.k. and france recently suggested that a weapons involved on syria has to be lifted to the rebels as we see now the initiative hasn't been given any kind of green light so growing concern what is happening inside syria. right there in the meantime a bit of humor
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a journalist and political commentator in damascus believes. is bolstered by the many conflicting interests involved across the opposition. he was the person who first proposed the notion of a dialogue with the syrian government and he was a target body please let's say it was ill received by most of the other opposition factions the coalition of opposition the revolutionary forces which most of us thought he was heading was oversleep facing some serious trouble regarding its internal unity gathers many people who have different points of view it has the liberals it tells the people from the left side it has the islamic fundamentalists and there is a muslim brotherhood so it gathered many voices and those voices only came together because the united states from america thought that the opposition should be united now but in fact they can't be united because they have all these different ideologies and all different ways of approaching the syrian crisis the opposition
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has many sponsors and every sponsor is claiming his territory some of the opposition figures act accordingly to what their foreign sponsors who own them to do they're saying we are the opposition we are present the syrian people and anyone who says otherwise i am one who has another approach to the issue should not be labeled as opposition and this is a serious problem and i think it's one of the key factors behind the departure of the think about the syrian situation is that everyone is doing whatever they want and the opposition body abroad they can't control the rebel forces inside and even at the fact that the the free army has said it doesn't acknowledge mr he told the government it's a great indication so i think there's a big gap between the people fighting inside and opposition forces operating from the outside. and that r.t. dot com right now burlington was looking to fork out for a special cyber by unit but stumbled over some surprise obstacles you can find out
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on the web site right now just a click away. also online for you at this hour u.k. that sound the alarm saying that a third of british riders are too fat for their horses which are returning their mounts in. twenty minutes past the hour nearly time for the world update for the u.s. military continues to deny a mass hunger strike again one ton of prison the information blackout speaking fortified by the mainstream media the lawyers for more than one hundred captive sound the alarm over the failing health of their clients most americans are simply left in the dark about the story as. well investigates. in the world of twenty four hour news no country knows the power of media better than the us hard to believe it's been ten years since the shock and awe campaign that launched the iraq war we could have removed saddam hussein in another way that
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would not have been so damaging to iraq i mean a man had to go ten years later the killing continues in iraq without also continuing without end the mass hunger strike at the guantanamo bay detention center but that topic remains off the radar of mainstream news and hid it from the american public no i did not know to i had no idea you know really according to the center for constitutional rights one hundred thirty guantanamo prisoners began a life threatening hunger strike nearly seven weeks ago to protest treatment and conditions at the island prison a prison america's president promised would be closed at the start of twenty ten do you think that that's a topic that should be reported by u.s. media yeah i think so. because they are being kept in prison by the u.s. so it's only fair that they get their views expressed that's what the whole country is built on the freedom of information to do that i mean i just think it's the
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right thing to do time square is otherwise known as the mecca of media messages millions walk through here on a daily basis flooded with information through news seekers plasma screens and advertisements but as we. learned even the most important stories can be ignored that nobody else is talking about this subject if this were happening in russia if people had disappeared into a legal black hole in russia and were facing indefinite incarceration without trial without charge and without access of attorneys would never hear the end of it the western media would be full of it human rights watch on this day international they'd be screaming from the rooftops of westminster behind me but because this is an american crime because it's an american crime they're allowed to get away with it because the people who control the so-called mainstream media are fully on side with the agenda of the obama administration a top u.s.
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general down calling for hundreds of millions of dollars to upgrade the u.s. detention facility when c.n.n. finally turned its focus to get this so-called worldwide leader in news nor to the hunger strike is there anything wrong with trying to improve it fix it spend a few hundred million dollars to get it ready for maybe a new generation of terrorists instead focusing on the money being requested to update the facility where one hundred sixty six detainees are still languishing you know that more than half of the. kuantan now have been cleared for release i use the area. now i didn't i had no idea that. i did not. as more than one hundred prisoners reportedly continue their hunger strike the u.s. military continues to dispute the figures however when r.t. first broke the story on march twelfth u.s. officials were denying that
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a strike was even taking place as you recall they started off by saying no one's on a hunger strike just the five or six people who have been on a hunger strike for many years you know then that figure was revised up to fourteen and now we're seeing the figure steadily and. but to no where near the extent that the prison lawyers are talking about and i think you know hearing about how the lawyers are not being allowed to visit plus this big gulf between what the lawyers are saying and what the administration is saying is indicative of the administration still trying to clamp down on me and they don't want this story aired and i think that that means that there is a very big story going on but in the business of broadcast news u.s. networks have to prioritize which big stories deserve the most attention that's right the canadians are using farming to combat smoking nancy grace first of all i want to express my condolences what happened to your necklace of former president bill clinton gets his way actress ashley judd will never be
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a united states senator portman. new york. into the artsy world up there we go right now starting with anti gay marriage protests in france and around a hundred thousand capital paris rallied against a draft law allowing same sex couples to marry and adopt children police are to use tear gas when demonstrators try to break down barricades and the bill will be voted on next month the protesters are angry at leaders for prioritizing the issue over jobs of the economy while. the british prime minister is to unveil a massive immigration crackdown restricting welfare payments social housing and access to the health service david cameron called on ending what he dubbed the something for nothing culture of those arriving in the u.k. and once the numbers of people allowed in to be heavily reduced are the measures possible newcomers from romania and bulgaria will have restrictions on travel and
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work lifted next year. in the u.s. a secretary of state is in afghanistan on an unannounced visit to the country's president hamid karzai and a number of other fish. hills john kerry's twenty four hour trip is expected to involve discussion on a range of issues including the upcoming elections and reconciliation talks with insurgent groups the us is currently preparing to hand over full security responsibility to local authorities now once america's top nato ally in the war on terror former pakistani president pervez musharraf has returned to the conflict zone after four years of self-imposed exile he's aiming to surge back into the political scene by leading his party in the upcoming elections in may and will shut off returns despite criminal charges against him at home and death threats from the taliban and we've come so easily the u.s. and its allies are winding down their presence in neighboring afghanistan and this
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in the face of resurgent militant activity. a political analyst sultan highly believes that foreign patrons want musharraf's back in power in order to help push their own agendas and to reach the west has. to its advantage it looks for avon right into operation their preference is always a military dictator but the situation in pakistan is that a military dictatorship is possibly out of the question so the next best thing is to prop somebody who was there a trusted man and you can find some evidence on it because saudi arabia has in fact approached mr nawaz sharif who was his biggest opponent into keeping silent if you notice mr noble should have just returned from a trip and he has not even being called on it versus saying that we cannot deny it posting from is it residing in greece or norm so probably there is a method in that madness and the vested interest is that they would like to see
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their own man in place so that their teddies their practices and it interests are governed as well as ensured by post and that may be but raise my shadow. it's a nearly half off their moscow time in just a moment here on the program almost a decade after the rwandan genocide cross-talk moves into the country's a so-called this is on. all since the new pope was chosen the calls for reform are analysts everyone wants the new pope to allow this and to allow that but the problem is that the catholic church is a religion not a product and people don't like the way a pepsi bottle looks while the company will have to in theory change it to meet public demand but the pope claims to represent the will of the creator of the
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universe the pope supposedly holds and protects an ancient an eternal truth so how can you expect this eternal truth just up and change because of public demand even though they pretend like they dealt religions do change over time but how can you expect the pope after hundreds of years of saying that people would be condemned to the fires of hell and eternity in a charred walls of the damned for certain sins just now say well i guess those sins are ok if you're catholic and you want your religion to change constantly then why do you believe in it why bother having principles and rules in the first place supposedly given to you by the almighty if you're just going to change them whenever you feel like it i don't get this but that's just my opinion.


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